Saturday, January 28, 2012

Live Every Day like it was your First

What the hell does that mean? It means you are in control of your own life, whether you like it or not.Take the time to live today like there's no yesterday. The universe presents us with a new opportunity to start differently.  Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Do one thing every day that scares you." This does not mean you have to go bungee jumping or speed 100 MPH on the freeway. It means take the time to go out of your way to do something different. Complement a stranger at work, regardless of their attractiveness level, or the personal gain you may get from it (like free twinkies). Most people like to hear good things about themselves. If enough people start saying how great you are, you may eventually start believing it, and that goes the same for saying it to yourself. Wear pink and be proud of wearing pink. You made the decision for a reason to stand out, so embrace it; be that person and forgo the negative thoughts.

It is a hard thing to do to break our routines. It is okay that we have our own. For example I like to get to sleep before midnight and get up around 8 AM. I follow a regular diet and keep a regular exercise schedule, but I also have decided to explore life around me. Have you ever gone to a busy restaurant and ate by yourself? It may almost be a liberating feeling to know you have the power to control your own actions and not be swayed by what anyone else might think. Maybe try volunteering your time to the community or to a charity and see what kind of return comes of it. Take a cooking class and learn how to make the chocolate cake you crave. Chat with a random stranger at the train station. Dig yourself into someone else's shoes, if only briefly.

Why do all this you might ask? What are the benefits? Well the mind is a muscle and it needs new sensory experiences to stay sharp. Chances are you have heard of P90X, right? It works your muscles by changing up every day's exercise. The muscles in turn never get used to their workout, creating a constant curve to build and get stronger. Now think of your mind in the same light. You are building your way to a more creative and more innovative self. That's what I mean by living each day like it was your first. Remember, before you can live, you first have to be born.

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